In 2005, the Racos Geological Complex was declared natural
protected area and it represents a natural geological reservation with a
national importance. (
It is situated in the Western part
of Persani Mountains, close to the basalt stripping in Racos village, Brasov
The area, included in Natura
2000 - Dealurile Homorodului site, is spread on a surface of over 95
hectare and is rich in volcanic rocks and mineral springs. Racos Geological
Complex consist of tree quarry – two former basalt stripping and one for
excavation of the basaltic slag. Even though the area is declared protected there
are still excavations in the basaltic quarry, limestone quarry, or ballast pit,
and the locals steal the rocks with the carriage.
The volcanic cone is located on Heghes Hill and it’s known
as the Cariera de scorie vulcanică
„Dealul Hegheş” ( The quarry of basaltic slag “Heghes Hill”). (
For many years, slag was excavated from the volcano cone. In the meantime, the
area became natural reservation and the excavations were stopped. The highest
point of the complex is the Heghes peak, measuring 60 meters.
Ten years ago, after the suspension of the basalt excavations
in Brazi Quarry, a lake was formed as a result of snow melting and accumulation
of rain water. The lake measures 10 meters in depth and 100 meters in length.
The natural monument Coloanele
de bazalt de la Racoş (Racos basalt pillars) is included in the Racos
Geological Complex. The basalt pillars measure 15 meters in height and were
formed by the cooling of volcanic lava. The last volcanic eruption in the
Carpathian Mountains occurred 800 thousand years ago, so the Racos Geological
Complex contains the newest rocks found in
Carpathians. (